Every Long Island property is different. And while considering an outdoor or backyard renovation, a common structure utilized is the stone masonry retaining wall. Retaining walls are built to break up uneven properties where grading the property to proper level may be difficult. Some prefer retaining walls as complete
Long Island Retaining Wall
design elements as well.
Retaining walls are made to be aesthetically pleasing in the yard. They also serve a purpose as a landscaping anchor. Retaining walls keep grounds of different levels safely separated. Retaining walls can be standalone or incorporated into other paver features such as paver pool patios, outdoor kitchens or even paver walkways. Retaining walls can be designed to incorporate proper drainage for the grounds above. This helps to direct water flow from higher grounds to lower grounds. This is especially helpful when your home has a basement or is experiencing water issues.
Retaining walls can also have gardens or planting beds incorporated into them as well. Imagine a beautiful retaining wall in your yard that is lined along the top with beautiful annuals planted yearly. Or you can design hanging plants to seamlessly integrate the retaining wall into its surrounding landscape.
Whatever your reason for researching Long Island Retaining Walls, you can be conmfident that New York paving and Masonry will design a great looking and even better performing retaining wall.
Contact us for a free consult!